• Using video to offset reach drop on Facebook


James Ashe, Managing Partner

James Ashe, Managing Partner

How Video Could Remedy Your Ailing Facebook Reach

If you use Facebook as a marketing tool, you might have noticed a drop in the reach of your Facebook posts recently. Video is a great way of combatting this, and can provide an excellent platform to get your brand seen.

It’s been hard to escape in recent months – organic reach on Facebook is dropping considerably. Facebook’s current mission is to ensure that its News Feed shows as many ‘relevant’ stories as possible to its users, with a strong focus on posts from friends and family. Unfortunately, this means that organic brand content is getting pushed further and further back, but savvy social media managers are coming up with the perfect solution – high-quality video.

According to tech giant Cisco, 80% of all internet traffic will be video by 2019. Facebook itself has been increasingly emphasising video in its News Feed and has been encouraging publishers and influencers to use its new livestreaming service Facebook Live. And, given Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, which allows users to create their own short videos quickly and simply, it’s not surprising that video content has been getting a big boost lately.

We’ve seen this happen ourselves, as we used video to great success while promoting the 2016 Chateau Impney Hill Climb. By posting features and videos of runs from last year’s event, fans got a taste of what was to come this summer while engaging with our other weekly content. In fact, we noticed an increase in reach on our other posts in the hours directly after posting a video, showing that fans were staying on the page to look at other items.

During the Hill Climb weekend itself, we used a lot of Facebook Live videos to bring the event to life across our social media channels. As we expected, some of those live videos were the most viewed throughout July, and contributed to us reaching a whopping 172,305 people across the weekend – an 844% increase on reach from 2015’s event weekend where no video was used.

Of course, video can be a costly process, and for most businesses, it’s very unlikely that they’ll be able to post videos and nothing else. However, using video content to supplement your existing message can be a key element in reaching out to new and existing fans and making sure that your voice is actually heard within the ever-changing News Feed.

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# Social Media, Video, Facebook